P2P trading is the act of buying and selling cryptocurrencies directly between users, without a third party or intermediary. When you buy or sell cryptocurrencies using a traditional exchange, you don't get to transact directly with the counterparty. Instead, you use charts and other market aggregators to determine the optimal time to buy, sell, or hold cryptocurrencies. The exchange organizes the transaction on your behalf, and the market price determines your final price at the time of the transaction.
You can follow the below steps for trading in spot/real-exchange market:
Login your account and click on your wallet.
Choose the cryptocurrency you want to trade with.
Once you click on the Buy/Sell button, the next screen will show as below.
Now, you can either click on BTC-USDT or BTC-INR to trade in the spot market
Once you click on that you will be redirected to the market page.
On the right bottom corner, you will see the order placing section.
Now, enter the price at which you want to buy the BTC, you can either enter the amt of BTC or INR. Once done tap on the Buy BTC button.
Once you put the amt you need to enter the 6-digit trading pin.
Tap on the place order to buy BTC from the Spot trading
Additionally, you can click on the link which will guide you on how to trade in spot trading market- https://youtu.be/Q_Q_2S-VNfk
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